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sanddyner i Namibias öken

"You know the effort it took to draw the bow, to breathe correctly, to concentrate on the target, to be clear about your intention, to maintain elegance and posture, to respect the target, but you need to understand too that nothing in this world stays with us for very long: at a given moment, your hand will have to open and allow your intention to follow its destiny".


- Paulo Coelho, The Archer


en leende fotograf i Portugal

my manifesto.

For me, storytelling has always been central. As a child I wrote fairy tales, made documentaries and turned my family into different characters who went on different adventures. I dressed up my little brother as a princess and I was the eternal director at school as soon as the opportunity arose to create film.


Today I write poetry when I'm in love and I tell you about your wedding day as if it were my own. I photograph your family through laughter, tears and spilled juice and I want to tell the world about your business idea so that more people understand how important it is.. 


I travel where my heart tells me, and if you want me to listen to your story, I'm just a click away.



en fotograf i vinterlandskap
en äldre kvinna som klappar en yngre kvinna på kinden

Guardian angels

in memory of Grandma and Grandpa

Thank you for all the photographs you created in your lifetime.


Thank you for your burning interest in documenting everyday life, the simple and the important.


Thank you for your endless concern for other people and your family.


Thank you for giving me the opportunity and the strength to dare to believe in my dreams and my creative joy, and a lifelong knowledge of how important photography is.

en äldre man och en yngre kvinna
en äldre kvinna som håller ett barn i handen på en sommaräng
en äldre man som sitter på en bänk med ett barn som håller i en kamera
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